Skill training motivates Rural Youth toward self-employment

Twenty four year old Mr. Jaya Prasad Jaisi, is nowadays busy in repairing and maintaining solar home system (SHS) components and mobile in Humla district, a remotest district of Nepal. There was a time when he didn’t have any business and was engaged in doing subsistence farming and collecting herbs “Yarsa Gumba” from high Himalayas during season, with no prospect of a growth to look forward to.

His life took a new turn after taking “Installation, repair and maintenance of Solar Home System” training organized by Winrock International’s RAP-3 project at Surkhet. He was trained in installation, repair and maintenance of Solar Home System (SHS). Winrock support him to establish business relationship with solar companies located in Kathmandu.

So far, he had already installed 82 SHS in households of Humla district under RAP-3 project. Now he is a successful service provider for installing, repairing and maintaining SHS, mobile phones and electrical items. He makes enough money to support his family. “Now my husband don’t have to go to Himalayas risking his life, he have good business here now” says Ms. Champa Kali, wife of Jaya Parasad. She feels proud to see so many houses are using solar light with the help of her husband.

Mr. Jaisi was looking forward to further advance his skills in repairing mobile and electronic devices and thus expand his business. Winrock, for the second time provided Mr. Jaisi an opportunity to upgrade his skill by supporting him to participate in Basic electricals, solar system and mobile repair training conducted by Sano Thimi Technical School.

Skill training program like this supported by Winrock under RAP-3 project has motivated local youth, like Jaya, towards self-employment and start their own business as well as provide services in rural areas that in usually not available.