Strategy to Reduce the Fossil Fuel Consumption in Nepal

Duration: September 2009 to December 2011
Project Location: Nepal
Partners: Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Focal Person: Mr. Binod Prasad Shrestha
Status: Completed
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The energy demand and consumption pattern is soaring in some fast developing countries including India, China, Brazil and developed countries due to their rapid economic growth in the recent years. Energy is used in almost every sector of development process namely: transportation, residential, services, agriculture and industrial –mostly dominated by fossil fuels. Fossil Fuels are the most crucial form of energy for fulfilling the current global energy demand. The fossil fuel reserves are limited and they are depleting at a faster pace due to over consumption. The depleting reserves and rising price of fossil fuel are the two major risks for global energy security.

In this context, Winrock International worked in partnership with the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Environment to undertake a study on fossil fuel consumption and prepared country strategy paper to reduce the consumption.