Solar Home System in Nawalparasi (Nirmaya)
Nirmaya B.K., a resident of Moulatandi, Banimanipur VDC of Nawalparasi, is a member of Nava Pratibha Livelihood Cooperative and has obtained loan for various activities. The first loan she obtained was for goat farming; she now has 6 adult goats and she is frequently selling goats thus making her living better than earlier. The second loan she obtained was for SHS installation amounting NRs. 12,500, which she needs to pay around NRs. 500 every month as an installment and so far she has already paid 7 installments. With the installation of 20 Wp SHS, the family of 6 now has better lighting, and can charge mobile phone, the only means of communication in the house. Before SHS, she used kerosene for lighting, which they were not able to afford for longer hours at night, and thus had very limited time at night for study, for 4 school going daughters, and to do any other activities. She is very happy to be a part of the Nava Pratibha for making her life much better in all aspects of life by not only providing loan, but also helping her to include in social activities through the micro finance center. It shows that the effort made by Winrock International, in support of UNEP Climate Finance Innovation Facility (CFIF), to extend the reach of SHS in rural households through credit financing, has been beneficial to the communities in the off-grid areas of Nepal.