Training on Productive-Sector Lending

Winrock International and Youth Forum Nepal jointly organized a two-day training on Productive-Sector Lending from 16th June -17th June 2017. The training was conducted in Head Office of NMB at Sitapaila, Kathmandu, Nepal. Mr. Pralhad Giri, Deputy Director & Head – Banking Development, Management & Research Unit of Nepal Rastra Bank was the resource person for the sessions.

The main objective of training was to impart knowledge on productive-sector lending processes, requirement and opportunities targeted for NMB staffs. In total, 21 participants attended the program. The training used both theoretical and practical methods through lectures and group exercises. Broadly, the training intended to aware participants on different productive sectors; Government of Nepal’s regulatory requirement and provisions set for productive-sector; concept of agri-business, product design and marketing; assessing and evaluating agri-business focused borrowers. Similarly, a session on product design and marketing for tourism, cottage and small industries and SME highlighted the prospect of productive sector lending. Additionally, the participants analysed a mock financial summary report of borrower and prepared a mock temporary credit appraisal report. The risk assessment and mitigation techniques added understanding of the risk associated with lending and its corrective measures of resolution.

For more information please download : Program Agenda _20170621010021