Integrated Renewable Energy Technology Promotion in Low Penetration Districts of Nepal
Project Objective
1.To promote RETs based on requirement to in-crease energy access in Udaypur, Solukhumbu, Khotang and Okhaldhunga districts and also in other districts
2. Increase financial access of rural communities for access to energy and enhanced livelihoods
3. Assist NMB to increase investment in RETs and other clean energy projects
Project Activities
1.Technical Assistance to NMB on credit fi-nancing for RETs through LFI networks
2.Building capacities of LFIs to finance RETs as loan product
3.Assist NMB for energy financing and linkage with prospective new business
4.Enhance rural livelihoods by establishing rural en-terprises using energy generated
Project Status & Achievements
1.Provided Euro 2,050,437 loan by NMB for installation of 4 micro-hydro projects equivalent to 187.5kW and other RETs
2.Facilitated for the installation of 6,191 SHS, 308 biogas,19 IWMs and 5,298 ICS